Saturday, March 28, 2020

Industry-standard NEMA 17, 23, and 24 Integrated Stepper Motors

Integrated Stepper Motor systems combine high-performance microstepping drives with high-torque stepper motors to provide simple and accurate control of position and velocity where open or closed-loop control is desired and cost is a factor.

SureStep integrated drive/motor units provide accurate position and speed control with microstepping to smooth motion and step response. “E” models include encoders. Advanced “R” models include indexer, communication options and more.


Features - Integrated Motor / Drives
DC power supply required (12-48 VDC or 12-70 VDC)
Pulse/Direction or CW Pulse/CCW Pulse or A/B Quadrature
Digital input filtering
“E” models include an encoder
  (externally-wireable for Standard models, internal-only for Advanced models)
Three optically isolated digital inputs, 5 to 24 volts
Step input signal smoothing (microstep emulation), performs high resolution stepping by synthesizing coarse steps into fine microsteps
Dynamic smoothing, software-configurable filtering for use in removing spectral components from command sequence, reduces jerk, limiting excitation of system resonance
Anti-resonance (electronic damping): raises the system-damping ratio to eliminate midrange instability and allow stable operation throughout the speed range of the motor
Idle current reduction range of 0-90% of running current after a delay selectable in milliseconds (Standard models = 50/90%, DIP switch selectable)
Configurable hardware digital noise filter, software noise filter
Non-volatile storage, configurations are saved in FLASH memory on-board the DSP
Dynamic current control, software configurable for running current, accel current, idle current, to make motion smoother and the motor run cooler.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Why should I buy your stepper motors from

We get this question a lot: "Company XXX sells stepper motors with a super high stall torque (oz-in) rating -- won't I get better performance from these higher torque motors"? The answer may surprise you!

Why should I buy your stepper motors from

Unfortunately, the main statistic advertised on stepper motors is probably the least useful of all -- stall (or holding) torque, which is the torque the motor puts out when it is not moving. This isn't terribly helpful, as your motor isn't doing any work when it's standing still! All steppers run at less than their stall torque, so what's far more important is the usable torque of the motor throughout its RPM range. The "flatter" this torque curve, the more usable force (for accelerating and decelerating) you'll get out of your drive system.

All stepper motors also put out less torque the faster they rotate. There are two key values that you should be looking for in a motor that influence its performance: current and inductance. First of all, you should look for a motor with a current rating that is less than or equal to the current rating of your motor driver. Motor torque scales linearly with current, so if you are (for example) driving a 5A motor at 3.5A (the maximum the G540 drive can put out), you are only getting 70% of the motor's rated torque. All other things being equal, a 425 oz-in, 5A motor running at 3.5A will actually achieve less torque than our 420 oz-in motors running at 3.5A.

The other important thing to look for is the motor inductance. The lower the inductance, the slower the motor builds up "back EMF voltage", which reduces the torque of the motor. While higher inductance can be overcome with higher voltage power supplies, this adds extra heat and expense to a system.

We invite you to look at competitor offerings, and see for yourself why our motors are better. We offer nema6-nema 23 steper motors that are matched to the current ratings of the drivers we sell. Our motors are also low inductance, 2 mH for our 960 oz-in motors and 3.0 mH for our 420 oz-in motors, both of which work great with commonly available 48V supplies.

So don't fall for the hype -- with our motors, we've had customers gain 3x speed increases over motors with higher rated stall torques. We've tested our motors and competitor motors with our mechanical systems to find the best value for you. Buy from a name you can trust to get the most out of your machine.